On 17 May 2021 Backbone released an anonymous survey, for people who identify as female, are 16+ and have experienced family violence or sexual violence, to share their feedback on what should be included in the Government’s National Strategy and Action Plans to eliminate family and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. The survey closed 30 June 2021.
The Backbone Collective is the first and only organisation to monitor the effectiveness of the system through the eyes of women and children escaping violence. Backbone surveys hundreds of women via its safe and confidential online platform, so we are able to gather extensive amounts of information on many issues for relatively low cost.
Women see the Backbone surveys as a powerful way to have their views taken into account and put forward to promote change.
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Earlier Event: November 1
Whānau resilience - longer term services that help
Later Event: September 1
NZ Police response to family and sexual violence