We know your voice matters so we ensure it is heard


Read what it's really like for women and children after they leave abuse. Backbone's reports are based on the stories, views and experiences of hundreds of women and their children, given anonymously via Backbone surveys. Their voices are largely unpublished elsewhere as women and children are often forbidden by Court orders from talking publicly about their situations. 

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Victim-Survivor Feedback on the Government's National Strategy and Action Plans to Eliminate Family and Sexual Violence and Abuse

  • The Backbone Collective New Zealand (map)

December 2021 - The Backbone Collective releases a report prepared for the Joint Venture Business Unit detailing feedback from some victim-survivors gathered as part of the consultation process for the development of the government’s National Strategy and Action Plans to eliminate family and sexual violence.

The report is based on the feedback to a Backbone survey released in May 2021 from 260 women and 4 gender diverse/non conforming victim-survivors who live throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Participants shared their ideas and recommendations on the government’s draft vision, principles and focus areas for action.

Victim-survivors say they want a system that prioritises and protects them and they want to see immediate action because they need help immediately.

At the core of much of the feedback was a call for victim-survivors to be at the centre of the design of the strategy and that their safety and protection, and that of their children, must be prioritised in every aspect of it.

Overall, survey respondents described a current system response that is often unsafe and makes their situation worse. Participants described system failure at numerous points including the justice sector response (the Family Court, the Criminal Court, the Police), the support and services that were available and how they operated, and the overall understanding and response to family and sexual violence from society at large (understanding of the dynamics, the impact and how to help victim-survivors).

The report contains an overview summary and a list of 36 of the most prevalent actions needed as suggested by victim-survivors.

The Backbone survey was only one of the ways the JVBU gathered feedback to inform the development of the National Strategy. Public consultation was facilitated in hui and online throughout May - June 2021. The Government’s National Strategy and Action Plans Te Aorerekura will be available from 7 December 2021 on the JVBU website.