We know your voice matters so we ensure it is heard


The Backbone Collective is run by its unpaid founders and volunteers. We are totally dependent on the goodwill of public to help us make Backbone a continued success.  We have already achieved so much since we started in early 2017, and with more funding we can achieve much more. Read more to see how we spend your donation to make a difference.




Backbone believes women and children who have experienced violence and abuse are best placed to tell us where the system is and isn’t working. But it usually isn’t safe for women survivors of abuse to speak out individually. The Backbone Collective invites them to join its members’ Collective. Backbone listens to these members and provides a safe way for their voices to be heard by those in authority. Women tell us they draw strength from their solidarity and shared experiences.

We rely on private donations, philanthropic grants and some paid contracts to fund our projects and operational costs.

Backbone is a registered New Zealand Charity - our number is CC56885

If you would like to make a donation please visit our Give A Little page https://givealittle.co.nz/org/backbonecollective

or make a donation directly to our Bank Account : The Backbone Collective, Kiwibank, 38-9018-0539929-00

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